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Blaby Stokes CE Primary School

Blaby Stokes Primary School

Contact Us

We will be happy to help with your enquiry

Address: Blaby Stokes CE Primary School, Queens Road, Blaby, Leicester, LE8 4EG

Call: 0116 277 2082 



Office open 8.30am to 4pm on school days 


Who to Contact 

Office Assistant: Miss Lucy Watson

Head of School: Mrs Rachel O'Hara

Executive Head of School: Mr Steve Snelson

Chair of Governors: Mrs Jane Peberdy

SENDCo: Ms Lucy Wallis

Office open 8.30am to 4pm on school days 


Our school is a proud member of Learn Academies Trust.


Postal Address:  
Learn Academies Trust, School Lane, Lubenham, Leicestershire LE16 9TW

01858 260028


If you require any paper copies of the information found on this website, please contact the School Office where these will be provided free of charge.