Blaby Stokes CE Primary School is a member of Learn Academies Trust (Learn-AT). Learn-AT has a Board of Trustees and Members who are responsible for overseeing all of the schools in the Trust. For more information about the Trustees please see Learn-AT’s website.
Blaby Stoke's Local Governing Body works on behalf of the Trust Board in these key areas:
- Ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction within the school.
- Acting as a critical friend to the school; holding the school's Senior Leadership Team to account for the educational performance of the school and its pupils, and the performance management of staff.
- Assuring Health and Safety procedures within their school
Register of Business Interests and Meeting Attendance
Local Governing Body members - Blaby Stokes CE Primary School
Local Governing Body meeting attendance - Blaby Stokes CE Primary School
Local Governing Body historical members - Blaby Stokes CE Primary School
Local Governing Body declarations of interests (historical members) - Blaby Stokes CE Primary School
Local Governing Body declarations of interests - Blaby Stokes CE Primary School
Mike Armstrong
Laura Brewin
Parent Governor
Nathan Bunting
Parent Governor & Vice Chair
Sue Lawrence
Local Governor
Tracey Lewin
Support Staff Governor
Jane Micklethwaite
Foundation Governor Ex-officio
Emma Palmer
Local Governor
Jane Peberby
Foundation Governor & Chair
Lian Smith
Foundation Governor
Rachel O'Hara
Head of School
Steve Snelson
Executive Head