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Blaby Stokes CE Primary School

Blaby Stokes Primary School

School Uniform

Our school dress code is based upon:
•    Being practical so as to enable children to participate fully in all school activities
•    Good health and safety practice
•    Being smart and promoting a positive image of the school 
•    Being suitable, including avoiding offensive pictures or logos 

We feel that this policy will enhance a feeling of pride, belonging and ownership of our school. On a practical note it makes a busy parents life much easier, as it removes the discussion and competition that can surround what to wear each day.

Following consultation with parents, in which over 90% expressed a preference for adopting a school dress code, the governing body have decided that the following items are appropriate as our 

• Grey or black skirt, trousers or knee length shorts 

• Red gingham checked dress 

• Red sweatshirt, jumper or cardigan 

• Red or white polo, T-shirt, blouse or shirt 

• Black flat heel shoes or trainers (no coloured logos)

• Hair Accessories can be worn but must match uniform. (no novelty or oversized accessories)

Summer Wear: Tops should have short or long sleeves (not straps) to protect shoulders from the sun. We recommend that children bring sun hats with neck protection during summer months. If sun cream is needed, then parents are requested to provide the roll-on type, rather than bottles or tubes, which children are expected to apply themselves. Sandals (neutral colours) may be worn in summer but backless shoes and open toes (e.g. flip flops or mules) are not allowed, as they do not provide sufficient protection. 

Winter Wear: Warm, waterproof coat. Flat-heeled, plain black boots are acceptable footwear for winter. 

PE Kit: We would also like to remind you that children should come to school in their PE kits on days that they have PE. We have asked that children wear a plain white round neck t-shirt, a pair of black shorts/leggings/jogging bottoms and a pair of plain white or black trainers.  Children may also wear a plain red sweatshirt or plain black or red hoodie or a school fleece.


Whilst some clothes may fit the colour code, they are not deemed to be suitable. This includes the following: 

• Items with logos other than the Blaby Stokes emblem 

• Hoodies (other than as listed on the PE kit)

• Leggings (alone or under skirts) 

• Sports kits (football, rugby etc) are not acceptable except for use in P.E. 

• Some clothes make activity difficult or dangerous, thus longer length skirts / dresses, extremely baggy trousers or T-shirts and unduly tight skirts are not suitable 

• Cropped tops that reveal midriff and vest tops revealing armpits are not acceptable, and party / dressing up clothes are considered unsuitable except on specified occasions 

• Embellishments such as legwarmers 

Hair:  For health and safety reasons, long hair should be tied back with a plain fastener.
Headbands, clips or small bows can be worn in school colours only (red, red gingham, white, black or grey)

Make up / nails: Make up and nail polish are not permitted in school 

Jewellery: For health and safety reasons, only stud earrings may be worn. Children must be able to remove these themselves before P.E lessons. Any jewellery other than a wristwatch will not be permitted. (Please note, we do not allow smartwatches with a camera into school).

It is expected that parents will: 

• Ensure their child/ren attend school in appropriate clothing, as per the dress code 

• Ensure that clothes are clean and in good repair 

• Ensure clothing is clearly labelled 

• Ensure coats, or anything else that the children hang up in school, have suitable loops 

Enforcement: In order to promote a whole school approach to the dress code, the governing body has determined that the dress code will be enforced. Any child attending at school who is not appropriately attired will be asked to change into suitable item/s from the school spare supply. Exceptions will not be made as this leads to unfairness and an undermining of the policy. A small number of children not abiding by the school dress code can result in others feeling under pressure to deviate from the code. We feel that this policy will enhance a feeling of pride, belonging and ownership of our school. On a practical note, it makes the life of a busy parent much easier, as it removes the discussion that can surround what to wear each day and minimises peer competition. 

Link to purchase school uniform : Blaby Stokes CE Primary School Uniform Shop – Earth Uniform