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Blaby Stokes CE Primary School

Blaby Stokes Primary School

New Admissions 2023

We are looking forward to welcoming all of our new starters and their families to Blaby Stokes.

We recognise that you will have lots of questions, and we will do our very best to answer all of these in the run-up to the start of the new school year.

We would like to invite you to our Parents’ Induction Evening to familiarise yourselves with our school setting and share our vision for your child’s education. We recognise that you will have lots of questions, and we will do our very best to answer all of these.

The Induction Evening will take place in the school hall on Thursday 18th May at 6pm.

We will also be holding stay and play transition sessions on the following Thursday afternoons from 1:30pm – 2:30pm:

8th June, 15th June, 22nd June and 29th June

During these sessions you are invited to initially stay with your child with a view to building up their confidence, so they are happy to be dropped off for the final few sessions.

Below you will see a link to a Pre-school Achievement and Experience Profile Form for us to gather details of your child’s pre-school setting, so that our staff are able to make contact with them to ensure a smooth transition into school. Please can you also include your email address so that we can use this for future communications. We will be in touch with you soon with further information.

Pre-school Achievement & Experience Profile Form


17th April: Application Results Day

18th May: Information Evening for Parents 6pm

8th June, 15th June, 22nd June and 29th June: Transition Afternoons  1:30pm - 2:30pm

29th August: First Day of School